We are thrilled to announce the first big art fair participation of our gallery. We cannot be more proud about this upcoming major presentation of our dear artists, Katya Buchatska and Lucy Ivanova, in Turin.
The Naked Room presents a booth with pieces by Katya Buchatska and Lucy Ivanova, with whom we’ve worked strategically from the foundation. Paintings, lefkas, drawings, prints on tiles and sculptural objects of various techniques—altogether we exhibit more than 25 works in our booth №7. A number of pieces were produced specifically for the occasion and will be presented for the very first time publicly.
The Naked Room is a gallery for contemporary art founded in 2018 in Kyiv by Lizaveta German, Maria Lanko and Marc Wilkins.
The gallery has been commissioned to curate the national pavilion of Ukraine for the Venice Biennial 2022.
The Others is the main Italian fair dedicated to emerging national and international art, created to enhance new creative energies through a unique exhibition system, aimed at rediscovering and give new life to abandoned places of Turin.
The Others is a fundamental element of Turin’s Contemporary Art Week.
4—7 November, 2021
Padiglione 3
Parco del Valentino
Why not spending a November weekend in Italy with us?
Direct us for a private tour via the fair and TNR booth №7
The Gardens of Sorrow
NATO has not Closed the Sky, Russia has Dropped the Bomb, the Sun is Shining on Them